Search for tag: "philosophy"
Reason & Respect Nov. 2, 2020 Part 1The first in our series of events for the Reason & Respect initiative, Dr. Tom Mackey will present on "Advancing Metaliteracy to Rebuild Trust" in this live streamed event. November 2,…
From Kevin Bane
78 plays
Reason and Respect Initiative Kick Off Oct. 27, 2020Recording of the Town Hall Meeting introducing the "Reason and Respect" initiative promoting civic engagement and civil discourse at SUNY Empire State College. Speakers include Beth Berlin,…
From Kevin Bane
131 plays
SUNY Empire Careers in Human ResourcesNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! On September 24, we will be hosting our second in the series with Careers in Human Resource Management. Hear from experts in the…
From Karen Gregory
62 plays
Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families - August 6, 2020Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families Thursday, August 6, 2020 5-6 pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
152 plays
"Evaluation and Feedback to Increase Student Engagement" WebinarNow that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…
From Michael Fortune
126 plays
Creative Expressions: Intersection of Arts, Culture and Activism in #BLM and #NativeLivesMatter MovementsCreative Expressions: Intersection of Arts, Culture and Activism in #BLM and #NativeLivesMatter MovementsThursday, July 30, 2020 - 5-6pmThe SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
250 plays
Creative Expressions: Enduring COVID-19: Health, Recovery & Hope - June 18, 2020The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Come and meet our faculty, staff, student, and alumni artists to learn a little about their creative expressions, their process, and…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
247 plays
Virtual Town Hall: Racial JusticeIn light of the long history of racially motivated violence against people of color in this country, recently captured on video, and the movement for a more just society that we are now witnessing,…
From Brian Styk
108 plays
April 2020 Teaching Online and at a Distance Podcast Part 1 of 2 with JoAnn KingsleyHello! And Welcome to the teaching and Tech Podcast brought to you by the Educational Technologists at SUNY Empire State College. Here, regularly an Educational Technologist and an ESC faculty…
From Nathan Sunseri
95 plays
Creative Expressions: Artists at Home - April 16, 2020SUNY Empire is fortunate to have a rich and varied artist community, and just because we can’t be together in person, does not mean we can’t celebrate the arts. We are excited to…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
202 plays