Search for tag: "grammar"

Second Language Acquisition in Under 5 Minutes

Video provided for accurate captions

+19 More
From  Heather Bennett 5 plays 0  

Morphology and Syntax

Video provided for captions.

+20 More
From  Heather Bennett 35 plays 0  

Assessment Tools in VSG Synchronous Sessions, 10/6/2020

There are many ways to critically challenge and engage learners during a live virtual meeting, and this webinar will be looking at tools that can support this process. We will be looking at how…

From  Lindsay Bryde 222 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: From Film and Photography to Found Objects Art - August 13, 2020

Creative Expressions: From Film and Photography to Found Objects Art Thursday, August 13, 20205-6 pm Alumnus Natural Langdon is an award winning director, writer, producer, and photographer,…

+49 More
From  Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein 156 plays 0  

"Evaluation and Feedback to Increase Student Engagement" Webinar

Now that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…

From  Michael Fortune 123 plays 0  

"Understanding Universal Design for Blended Learning" Webinar

Universal Design for Learning is a series of guidelines that enable development of learning modules that are accessible to all students. In this webinar, SUNY Empire State College Educational…

From  Michael Fortune 180 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman

+48 More
From  240412 93 plays 0  

Microaggressions in Everyday Life - Gina Torino

SUNY Empire State College IMS Sponsored DEIC Event

From  Nathan Whitley-Grassi 894 plays 0  

LGBT WORKPLACE ISSUES_Edie Windsor and the ACLU Challenge the Defense of Marriage Act

Edie Windsor for LGBT Workplace Issues course

+32 More
From  Antonia Jokelova 66 plays 0  

4th Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum - 2018 - Visible and Invisible Disabilities

Diversity Forum 2018 - Visible and Invisible Disabilities

From  Shaun Hoppel 220 plays 0  

Webinar - Sneak Peek at Banner Registration

Webinar - sneak peek are Banner registration from Thursday, March 8 at 11 AM

From  Joshua Gaul 126 plays 0  

Accessibility in Word and PowerPoint - Monday, October 16, 2017 11 AM

Accessibility in Word and PowerPoint - Monday, October 16, 2017 11 AM

+108 More
From  Shaun Hoppel 131 plays 0  

Miriam Russell, What has been the biggest challenge in teaching online? (v2)

This is an interview with Miriam Russell about teaching online.

+40 More
From  Julie Rummings 180 plays 0  

Create Video to Enhance Teaching and Learning with LEARNscape - Foote

Academic video can transform teaching and learning by creating personal connections, improving comprehension, and freeing up time with our students for meaningful and authentic learning activities.…

+91 More
From  Ed Tech 162 plays 0  

Digital Day Keynote Address: Open Educational Resources - Mark McBride

This presentation will outline development of long-term sustainability and operations plans for Open Educational Resources. Open SUNY Textbooks (OST) was initially funded by SUNY IITG money and…

+115 More
From  Ed Tech 288 plays 0  

Creating Interactive Quizzes in Moodle - Mingus

One of the neater features in Moodle is the ability to create "interactive" quizzes where students drag and drop quiz answers. In this session, you will learn how to create and modify…

+43 More
From  Ed Tech 168 plays 0