56:35duration 56 minutes 35 seconds
Sir Hilary Beckles Boyer Family Lecture All…
Sir Hilary Beckles Boyer Family Lecture All College 2017
48:55duration 48 minutes 55 seconds
Create Video to Enhance Teaching and Learning…
Create Video to Enhance Teaching and Learning with LEARNscape - Foote
Academic video can transform teaching…
40:57duration 40 minutes 57 seconds
Outlook Calendar Basics - Peck
In this session the basics of the Outlook…
45:43duration 45 minutes 43 seconds
OERs at ESC - Morehouse & Whitley-Grassi
This conversational presentation discusses Open…
20:32duration 20 minutes 32 seconds
Overview of Educational Technologies in the…
Overview of Educational Technologies in the Rochester Location - Moreland
A discussion of Loaner laptops, Immersive…
29:03duration 29 minutes 3 seconds
Ironteeth as told by Cliff Eaglefeather
Cliff Eaglefeather tells the story of Susan…
01:34:22duration 1 hour 34 minutes
Cheyenne Little Big Horn Battle Ceremony - INDG…
Cheyenne Little Big Horn Battle Ceremony - INDG 3020
Cheyenne Little Big Horn Battle Ceremony.