08:10duration 8 minutes 10 seconds
Stop wasting food Selina Juul at TEDxCopenhagen…
Stop wasting food Selina Juul at TEDxCopenhagen 2012
Video provided for captions.
09:21duration 9 minutes 21 seconds
Teacher and parent relationships - a crucial…
Teacher and parent relationships - a crucial ingredient Cecile Carroll at TEDxWellsStreetED
Video provided for captions
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds
Buffalo Creek Revisited -- A Sample
20:16duration 20 minutes 16 seconds
How unhealthy paradigms become contagious
56:35duration 56 minutes 35 seconds
Sir Hilary Beckles Boyer Family Lecture All…
Sir Hilary Beckles Boyer Family Lecture All College 2017
01:09:17duration 1 hour 9 minutes
2016 Syracuse Commencement
2016 Syracuse commencement recording
55:28duration 55 minutes 28 seconds
2016 Buffalo Commencement
Recording of the 2016 Buffalo commencement…