Search for tag: "virtual residency"

World Religions Keynote Panel (Virtual Residency) 03/01/2021 Dr. Rhianna Rogers - audio

Audio ONLYPANEL OUTLINE: Introduction and…

From  240412 227 plays 0  

World Religions Keynote Panel (Virtual Residency) 03/01/2021 Dr. Rhianna Rogers - video

Video recording PANEL OUTLINE: Introduction…

From  240412 258 plays 1  

Face-to-face Meetings in MS Teams webinar - 06/23/2020

This webinar will be looking at all the…

From  Michael Fortune 78 plays 0  

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest - Global Reflections (Video)

Introduction: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (SUNY Empire)…

From  240412 392 plays 0  

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest - Global Reflections (AUDIO only)

Introduction: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (SUNY Empire)…

From  240412 246 plays 0  

Deliberative Conversation 12-3-19

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest…

From  Jill Anderson 273 plays 0  

fall19 Virtual Residency keynote - Dr. Dan Nyaronga

fall19 Virtual Residency keynote - Dr. Dan…

From  240412 319 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency (audio only)

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman…

From  240412 51 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman…

+48 More
From  240412 94 plays 0  

VR_Faculty Meeting 6.15.2018_zoom_0

1st Meeting of Faculty to discuss Virtual…

From  Shaun Hoppel 48 plays 0