30:08duration 30 minutes 8 seconds
Martin Seligman 'Flourishing - a new…
Martin Seligman 'Flourishing - a new understanding of wellbeing' at Happiness & Its Causes 2012
Video with accurate captions
03:02duration 3 minutes 2 seconds
Immune System - Natural Killer Cell
Video provided for captions
08:15duration 8 minutes 15 seconds
Redfork Battle
Cliff Eaglefeathers talking about the battle of…
04:52duration 4 minutes 52 seconds
Joe Littlecoyote's Grandpa's Story…
Joe Littlecoyote's Grandpa's Story About Battle
46:43duration 46 minutes 43 seconds
Cheyenne Government Council Hearing On Dress
Recording of a Cheyenne Government Council…