Search for tag: "intelligence"
Careers in Digital Media ArtsDiscover the full potential of your Digital Media Arts degree with our panel of experts, designed to prepare you with the knowledge and connections needed to thrive in today’s dynamic digital…
From Anita Brown
32 plays
Maximizing Your Time with Canva 12 Tips for Busy TeachersAre you looking to take your Canva skills to the next level? In a crunch for time or feeling overwhelmed by designing digital content for your class? Join us as we explore 12 time-saving strategies…
From Josephine Coco
46 plays
Harness AI to Create Customized Interactive Assignments for Your StudentsProfessors, teachers, and instructors: imagine that you had the ability to personally train and send forth a team of teaching assistants, one for each of your students, so that as your students…
From Josephine Coco
55 plays
From Concept to Classroom Transforming PD Planning and Delivery with AIIn this session, educators will explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing and personalizing professional learning experiences. Through a structured approach…
From Josephine Coco
46 plays
Chatbots in Literacy EducationAI has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. It offers the opportunity of making educators' jobs more efficient and effective in tailoring instruction to fit their…
From Josephine Coco
49 plays
Building Inclusive Computer Science Programming Using AIThe tech landscape is changing. Artificial intelligence has expanded computer science and introduced complex new tools into every sector. At the same time, the gender gap in tech has widened from…
From Josephine Coco
20 plays
Bias, Misinformation, and Polarization How Can My Students Find Anything on the InternetQuickly finding reliable, transparent information on the internet is becoming a near-impossible task for educators and students. Internet search is degenerating into a race to the bottom. Generative…
From Josephine Coco
14 plays
AI for Academic Excellence Unleashing the power of tech in your school communityFrom ChatGPT to Snapchat’s My AI, new artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into our students’ lives. And AI isn’t only changing students’ experiences online, but…
From Josephine Coco
47 plays
Designing Assessments with AI in MindGenerative AI offers exciting possibilities as well as complex risks in the assessment of student learning. In this presentation, we'll discuss: AI class policies, examples of assignments that…
From Mariah Lamb
62 plays
Magic School AIIn this presentation, we will take a look at Magic School AI - generative AI platform for educators. This platform includes more than 60 various AI tools that can help with such tasks as designing…
From Mariah Lamb
44 plays
AI for UDIn this presentation, we will discuss and demonstrate the various ways AI can be used as assistive technology and help create inclusive instruction. Participants will be able to explore the different…
From Mariah Lamb
48 plays
Ask5 Navigating AI: Harnessing Technology for Success in your Job Search Journey with Valeri ChukhlominExplore new horizons with how to use AI to enhance your career development. Hear from one of our faculty experts as they provide guidance on harnessing the power of AI to elevate your job…
From Anita Brown
100 plays