32:45duration 32 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Vincent Felitti: Reflections on the Adverse…
Dr. Vincent Felitti: Reflections on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study
Video downloaded for accurate captioning and transcript
01:32:32duration 1 hour 32 minutes
Through A Lens Darkly Black Photographers and…
Through A Lens Darkly Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People (2014)
Video provided for captions.
05:44duration 5 minutes 44 seconds
Commemorative Speech Public Speaking edX…
Commemorative Speech Public Speaking edX Series
08:45duration 8 minutes 45 seconds
Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism …
Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism Nikki van der Gaag TEDxLSHTM
Video provided for captions
24:27duration 24 minutes 27 seconds
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park …
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park TEDxGeorgetown
18:55duration 18 minutes 55 seconds
Child Labor in America The photography of Lewis…
Child Labor in America The photography of Lewis Hine.
30:28duration 30 minutes 28 seconds
Lecture 07 - Book II—Augustine Grows Up
00:24duration 24 seconds
Sandra Barkevich