Search for tag: "crime"

Ask5, Pathways to Justice, a Conversation about SUNY Empire’s Bachelor in Criminal Justice with Brian Frederick

Pathways to Justice offers an in-depth discussion about SUNY Empire's Bachelor's in Criminal Justice program, focusing on preparing students for successful careers in the field. Through a…

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From  Anita Brown 79 plays 0  

v2attentioncheck2 - Biden

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From  Scott Silverman 44 plays 0  

TEDxLosGatos - Marc Goodman - Future Crimes

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From  Robert Kester 37 plays 0  

New Normal How We are Becoming Desensitized to Violence Emmy Thamakaison TEDxYouth@ISBangkok

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From  Robert Kester 48 plays 0  

The Future of Criminology Brian Boutwell TEDxSaintLouisUniversity

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From  Robert Kester 59 plays 0  

Reason Respect Beyond the Bars Unlocking Queered Perspectives on the Justice Involved

Reason Respect Beyond the Bars Unlocking Queered Perspectives on the Justice Involved

From  Nathan Sunseri 222 plays 0  

The importance of mindset in policing

YouTube video The importance of mindset in policing used in CRJS-1005 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

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From  Robert Kester 67 plays 0  

"Evaluation and Feedback to Increase Student Engagement" Webinar

Now that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…

From  Michael Fortune 126 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Pop Culture Products - Impact and Influence - May 28, 2020

Creative Expressions: Pop Cultural Products - Impact and Influence Thursday, May 28th, 5pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Come and meet our…

From  Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein 87 plays 0  

Forum on Race and Policing

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From  240412 473 plays 0  

Joseph Sinagra Interview

From 117 plays 0