03:43duration 3 minutes 43 seconds
MY Journey
My Journey on children with Autism
28:29duration 28 minutes 29 seconds
Malala Yousafzai Nobel Peace Prize Lecture 2014
Video provided for captions.
58:52duration 58 minutes 52 seconds
Park Avenue Money, Power and the American…
Park Avenue Money, Power and the American Dream⎜WHY POVERTY⎜(Documentary)
Video provided for accurate captions
34:48duration 34 minutes 48 seconds
The Haudenosaunee Story of Earth's Creation…
The Haudenosaunee Story of Earth's Creation - Dr. Amber Adams
Dr. Amber Adams presents the Haundenosaunee…
05:14duration 5 minutes 14 seconds
2015 HVACLS Commencement - Clifford Chrispin…
2015 HVACLS Commencement - Clifford Chrispin Degree Candidate Remarks
Clifford Chrispin provides degree candidate…