Search for tag: "audio"

How to be the Perfect Emcee at an Event or Wedding

Video provided for captions.

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From  Scott Silverman 22 plays 0  

Submit a Video in a Brightspace Assignment

This video shows students how to create and submit a video assignment in a course in Brightspace.

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From  Michael Fortune 664 plays 0  

How to Add Voice in PowerPoint Presentation

Taken from How to Add Voice in PowerPoint Presentation - YouTube

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From  Angie Kassab 40 plays 0  

Engaging Students with Audio and Video in Brightspace-20230609mp4

Presenters: Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein and Kate DermondyDrawing on evidence-based pedagogical practices for student success and the tools available to us in Brightspace, this session will draw on…

From  Joel Glastetter 62 plays 0  

Using Open Educational Resources to Enhance Online Learning

This session will look at how Open Educational Resources and video repositories online can be used to reduce the barriers of cost and access for students. We will be looking at tools like MERLOT,…

From  Lindsay Bryde 306 plays 0  

"The Components of a Virtual Study Group" VSG Webinar Part 1 of 3

This workshop will go over the basic principles and effective practices for teaching at a distance. This includes reviewing modalities, a process for planning the course, basic course design, using…

From  Michael Fortune 205 plays 0  

Face-to-face Meetings in MS Teams webinar - 06/23/2020

This webinar will be looking at all the essentials and new options available to organize, inform, and engage your participants when conducting meetings. The presentation will include a walkthrough…

From  Michael Fortune 78 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Music and Mixed Media - June 11, 2020

Creative Expressions: Listening and Looking through the Layers - Music and Mixed Media Art Thursday, June 11, 2020 5-6pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community.…

From  Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein 96 plays 0  

January 2020 Accessibility Course Review Podcast

Welcome to the Teaching and Tech podcast. Where Dedicated Mentoring Meets Innovative Technology. This podcast is brought to you by the educational technologists of SUNY Empire State College. Today…

From  Nathan Sunseri 59 plays 0  

EET Webinar Emergency accessibility reviews 01/08/2020

This webinar focused on the process in place for reviewing ESC online courses to meet accessibility requirements. It included what the criteria are we look for and the will include faculty…

From  Michael Fortune 121 plays 0  

EET Webinar Series Hosting Virtual Office Hours - Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hosting Virtual Office Hours

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From  Shaun Hoppel 111 plays 0