From Lindsay Bryde January 15th, 2021
The EdTechs will present answers to the top questions that we get each semester from faculty and students alike. We will be looking at proactive things you can check… -
From Nathan Sunseri October 26th, 2020
In part 1 of this two part series, educational technologist Lindsay Byrde talks with faculty mentors Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann. They share what their Virtual… -
From Lindsay Bryde October 15th, 2020
This session will look at how Open Educational Resources and video repositories online can be used to reduce the barriers of cost and access for students. We will be… -
From Michael Fortune October 9th, 2020
Following the kick-off panel meeting co-hosted by CMLAI and the EdTechs, the Educational Technologists are offering… -
From Michael Fortune August 5th, 2020
This workshop will go over the basic principles and effective practices for teaching at a distance. This includes reviewing modalities, a process for planning the… -
From Michael Fortune August 5th, 2020
Now that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you… -
From Michael Fortune August 5th, 2020
We will go over the necessary synchronous tools to navigate and conduct virtual class meetings on MS Teams: creating and sharing a meeting invitation, a walk through of… -
From Michael Fortune August 3rd, 2020
Universal Design for Learning is a series of guidelines that enable development of learning modules that are accessible to all students. In this webinar, SUNY Empire… -
From Michael Fortune July 29th, 2020
Students learning at a distance rely on consistent feedback and clear communication with the instructor to ensure that they are progressing and meeting the… -
From Michael Fortune July 29th, 2020
This presentation reviews best practices for addressing accessibility while you design documents & texts, spreadsheets & tables, presentations & media, and… -
From Michael Fortune July 29th, 2020
This presentation is designed to review our legal obligations to provide accessible learning activities at a distance. We will be reviewing Section 504, the Americans… -
From Michael Fortune June 23rd, 2020
This webinar will be looking at all the essentials and new options available to organize, inform, and engage your participants when conducting meetings. The… -
From Michael Fortune June 17th, 2020
This webinar will be providing a walkthrough of all the features available to you when collaborating and communicating asynchronously in MS Teams. This includes… -
From Lindsay Bryde June 9th, 2020
MS Teams has released a number of new features the last two months (hand raising, background effects, additional video feeds during meetings, polling). This webinar… -
From Lindsay Bryde June 2nd, 2020
MS Teams has released a number of new features the last two months (hand raising, background effects, additional video feeds during meetings, polling). This webinar… -
From Michael Fortune May 14th, 2020
Webinar from 5/14/2020 on teaching remotelyNow that you have officially started the term with your students, we'll be reviewing a few more tricks and tips on…