Search for tag: "virtual learning environments"

SUNY Empire - Virtual Study Group Mode of Study

SUNY Empire - Modes of Study

From  Mary Austin 347 plays 0  

Pedagogy and Virtual Study Groups Part 1 with Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann

In part 1 of this two part series, educational…

From  Nathan Sunseri 147 plays 0  

Educational Planning Webinar December 12, 2018 1PM

Webinar discusses the new OER textbook that can…

+80 More
From  Christine Paige 242 plays 0  

Synchronous Learning Opportunities for Online Courses with Diane Perilli and Carolina Kim

In this episode, we are talking to…

+77 More
From  Nathan Sunseri 135 plays 0  

EET Webinar Series Hosting Virtual Office Hours - Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hosting Virtual Office Hours

+82 More
From  Shaun Hoppel 111 plays 0  

Extraordinary Begins (and Ends) with Ordinary - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 12.59.54 PM Digital Day 2018

Extraordinary Begins (and Ends) with Ordinary -…

From  Shaun Hoppel 66 plays 0