08:30duration 8 minutes 30 seconds
Advantages and Disadvantages of Working in Groups
Video provided for captions.
53:35duration 53 minutes 35 seconds
"The Components of a Virtual Study…
"The Components of a Virtual Study Group" VSG Webinar Part 1 of 3
This workshop will go over the basic principles and effective practices for teaching at a distance. This includes reviewing modalities, a process for planning the course, basic course design, using…
05:32duration 5 minutes 32 seconds
Miriam Russell, What has been the biggest…
Miriam Russell, What has been the biggest challenge in teaching online? (v2)
This is an interview with Miriam Russell about teaching online.
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
Bike Share Program
01:02:33duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Saleem…
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Saleem Badat March 6, 2014