01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
One sample t test (Statcrunch)
Video provided for captions
10:50duration 10 minutes 50 seconds
hypothesis testing one sample
Video Provided for captions
03:02duration 3 minutes 2 seconds
Why do we say Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis…
Why do we say Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis Why can't I accept the Null Hypothesis
04:49duration 4 minutes 49 seconds
One Sample t-Test
Video provided for captions.
03:30duration 3 minutes 30 seconds
New Human Ancestor Discovered Homo naledi…
New Human Ancestor Discovered Homo naledi (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) National Geographic
Video provided for captions. Please note: the narrator of this documentary is not named and there is some cross-talk that occurs throughout the video as researchers discover new artifacts.
07:55duration 7 minutes 55 seconds
Scientific Method, Grail Style
Video provided for captions only.