01:08:37duration 1 hour 8 minutes
College Council Meeting - December 11, 2019
Video from the Dec.11, 2019, College Council…
01:43:33duration 1 hour 43 minutes
Town Hall meeting 09/18/2019
Town Hall Meeing from September 18, 2019. First…
01:07:10duration 1 hour 7 minutes
College Council Meeting - September 17, 2019
Video from the September 17, 2019,…
01:14:11duration 1 hour 14 minutes
The Importance of MidTerm Elections - Get Out To…
The Importance of MidTerm Elections - Get Out To Vote Event
Panel presentation on the history and importance…
54:38duration 54 minutes 38 seconds
Ernest Boyer Lecture_2014