Search for tag: "educational psychology"

Power of Play - Zero To Three Magic of Everyday Moments

Play is how children test their ideas and learn…

From  Maree Michaud-Sacks 179 plays 0  

Reason & Respect - Nov. 2, 2020 Part 2

Recording of the MS Teams Meeting open…

+71 More
From  Kevin Bane 65 plays 0  

Reason & Respect Nov. 2, 2020 Part 1

The first in our series of events for the Reason…

From  Kevin Bane 80 plays 0  

Pedagogy and Virtual Study Groups Part 1 with Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann

In part 1 of this two part series, educational…

From  Nathan Sunseri 147 plays 0  

Careers in Business

The Careers In Business virtual panel was held…

+65 More
From  Anita Brown 54 plays 0  

Using Open Educational Resources to Enhance Online Learning

This session will look at how Open Educational…

From  Lindsay Bryde 307 plays 0  

Graduate School Panel_MSW, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling Program

SUNY Empire hosted a Virtual Graduate School…

+125 More
From  Karen Gregory 253 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam #2 Women's Voices to Be Heard - August 20, 2020

Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam #2 -…

From  Lisa D'adamo-Weinstein 14 plays 0  

"The Components of a Virtual Study Group" VSG Webinar Part 1 of 3

This workshop will go over the basic principles…

From  Michael Fortune 207 plays 0  

"Synchronous Classes on MS Teams" Webinar

We will go over the necessary synchronous tools…

+59 More
From  Michael Fortune 168 plays 0  

"Understanding Universal Design for Blended Learning" Webinar

Universal Design for Learning is a series of…

From  Michael Fortune 185 plays 0  

"ADA Accessibility- It's the Law" Webinar

This presentation is designed to review our legal…

From  Michael Fortune 255 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Alumni Artists and Arts Educators - July 23, 2020

Creative Expressions: Alumni Artists and Arts…

From  Lisa D'adamo-Weinstein 131 plays 0  

Creative Expressions - Storytelling: Ancestral Roots and Fiber Arts - July 23, 2020

Creative Expressions - Storytelling: Ancestral…

From  Lisa D'adamo-Weinstein 134 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam – Voices be Heard! - Thursday, June 25, 2020

Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam – Voices…

From  Lisa D'adamo-Weinstein 151 plays 0  

Together as One: SUNY Empire 2020 Summer Commencement

While we were not able to celebrate in person…

+44 More
From  Brian Styk 1,159 plays 0