Search for tag: "dignity"

There's an App for That- Self-Introduction

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From  Scott Silverman 20 plays 0  

Dying 29-year-old woman says she will take lethal dose

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From  Ed Tech 15 plays 0  

Self-Determination and Dignity: #WithNotFor

Behavior analysts, with feedback and input from clients, relevant parties, and advocates, are continually evaluating services based on client outcomes and social validity. Ongoing efforts to evaluate…

From  Susan McFadden 124 plays 0  

Dignity is a Human Right

In this presentation, attendees will learn what our roles and responsibilities are in serving others in promoting and ensuring dignity. We are bound by both a code of the ethics and by United Nations…

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From  Lauren Allen 142 plays 0  

LGBT WORKPLACE ISSUES_Edie Windsor and the ACLU Challenge the Defense of Marriage Act

Edie Windsor for LGBT Workplace Issues course

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From  Antonia Jokelova 66 plays 0