Search for tag: "contract"

Reason & Respect: Women and Labor

Reason & Respect: Women and Labor Online discussion and presentation. The panelists will discuss the challenges of being a woman working in labor industries and unions. The speakers are: Maria…

From  Kevin Bane 184 plays 0  

AC CC1 Assessing Our Momentum How Does the Work of the Process Improvement System Benefit Our Students

AC CC1 Assessing Our Momentum How Does the Work of the Process Improvement System Benefit Our Students

From  Kevin Bane 43 plays 0  

Ready for Class

Learn the first steps to take to get ready for an independent study class.

From  Holly Bates 15,159 plays 3  

"The Components of a Virtual Study Group" VSG Webinar Part 1 of 3

This workshop will go over the basic principles and effective practices for teaching at a distance. This includes reviewing modalities, a process for planning the course, basic course design, using…

From  Michael Fortune 205 plays 0  

"Communication and Feedback Methods" VSG Webinar Part 3 of 3

Students learning at a distance rely on consistent feedback and clear communication with the instructor to ensure that they are progressing and meeting the course’s expectations and outcomes.…

From  Michael Fortune 131 plays 0  

Creative Expressions: Memories, Mothers, and More - May 14, 2020

Creative Expressions: Memories, Mothers & More Thursday, May 14, 2020 The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Join us each week to share in some creative…

From  Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein 103 plays 0  

April 2020 Teaching Online and at a Distance Podcast Part 1 of 2 with JoAnn Kingsley

Hello! And Welcome to the teaching and Tech Podcast brought to you by the Educational Technologists at SUNY Empire State College. Here, regularly an Educational Technologist and an ESC faculty…

From  Nathan Sunseri 95 plays 0  

Making Your Self-Strategy Work

In this short video filmed for "Career Brand Management" specialization on Coursera, Associate Professor John M. Beckem describes how you can make your self-strategy work.

From  Ed Tech 154 plays 0  

Turben Lecture 2019

Turben Lecture 2019. Dr. Rebecca Bonanno

From  Pat DeCoster 192 plays 0  

JIT TIS X-Reg studies demonstration

JIT TIS X-Reg studies demonstration Monday, February 11, 2019 10.00.48 AM

From  Nathan Sunseri 173 plays 0  

Govt Acctg--Exercise 9-7 REVISED (PROBLEM DEMO)

Exercise found at the end of Ch 9 in textbook

From  Barbara Warschawski 80 plays 0  

InterAcctgII--Ex A-1 Problem Demo

appendix exercise on derivatives--hedging classifications

From  Barbara Warschawski 69 plays 0  

Adding LCs to Docpak

Adding LCs to Docpak

From  Shaun Hoppel 192 plays 0  

FSMA 3010 Chapter 17

Lease or Purchase Decision

From  Ed Tech 404 plays 0  

Introductory Accounting 2 - Problem Demo Exercise 19-4

Activity Based Costing

+30 More
From  Barbara Warschawski 652 plays 0  

Accounting for Estates - ACCT 4010


+36 More
From  Barbara Warschawski 243 plays 0