Search for tag: "classification"

Mental Health Support in an Online Environment

As part of Empower Reads, we will review…

+21 More
From  Mariah Lamb 45 plays 0  

biological sex is not always binary

This video is provided for captions only. Please…

+21 More
From  Heather Bennett 44 plays 0  

A film about Carl Linnaeus Natural History Museum

Video provided for captions.

+20 More
From  Ed Tech 24 plays 0  

"Understanding Universal Design for Blended Learning" Webinar

Universal Design for Learning is a series of…

From  Michael Fortune 184 plays 0  

January 2020 Accessibility Course Review Podcast

Welcome to the Teaching and Tech podcast. Where…

From  Nathan Sunseri 60 plays 0  

EET Webinar Emergency accessibility reviews 01/08/2020

This webinar focused on the process in place for…

From  Michael Fortune 122 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman…

+48 More
From  240412 94 plays 0  

Govt Acctg--Exercise 9-7 REVISED (PROBLEM DEMO)

Exercise found at the end of Ch 9 in textbook

From  Barbara Warschawski 80 plays 0  

AUDITING--M7 Five Tests of Controls--Payroll and Personnel Cycle - ACCT 4015


+15 More
From  Barbara Warschawski 1,109 plays 0  

TOEP Webinar Citation Management - S. . . - Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) series of…

From  Christine Paige 109 plays 0  

Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Saleem Badat March 6, 2014

From 149 plays 0  

2013 Boyer Lecture - David Orr

Lecture at 2013 All College by Dr. David Orr

From  Sadie Ross 134 plays 0